Heartfieldhk is a personal blog about my mind and ideas on topics below…
(Website in development and testing)

Stock Investment &
Sharing of information, knowledge, skills and ideas about stock trading, including stock screening, entry position setup, risk management behavioural biases regulation
Applied Buddhism &
Discussion on Buddhist sutras, doctrines, and the application of the Buddha’s ancient wisdom in contemporary society, like the cultivation of compassion and greed management
Blockchain Innovation &
Covering latest news and updates in blockchain innovation and technology, such as the development of new protocols, crypto tokens and regulatory change like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) ETF approvals
Anything else that I find worthy to write and share.
Investment & Trading
Observe, Control and Manage

Price, Volume and Movement
Stock Screening & Ideas
- Momentum and Trend Analysis
- Hitting Industry and Stock
- Price and Volume Analysis
- Moving Average Analysis
Discipline, Control and Management
Setup & Risk Management
- Entry Position Setup
- Portfolio Size Control
- Discipline and Stop Loss
- Maintenance and Managment
Latest Posts
Is Fire-grilled Chicken even possibly a value or growth investment? | A Quick Look into El Pollo Loco (NASDAQ: LOCO) | Trading Record: 7-Jun-2024 LOCO Entry @ $10.45
Note: This post is written for my personal trading record purpose only, so this should not be taken as any form of investment advice or guidance to follow. Discussion is welcome, while you must do your own research for our own risks. Discussion What is El Pollo Loco? El Pollo Loco is a quick-service Mexican restaurant…
BUddhism & application
Listen, Think and Meditate

Buddhism History, Doctrines and Sutra
Early & Mahayana Buddhism
- Four Noble Truths
- Five Aggregates
- Three Turning of the Wheel of Dharma
- Six Perfections
Applied Buddhism Practice
Buddhist Psychology & Application
- Cultivation of Non-greed
- Six Perfections and Trading Behaviours
- Compassionate Presence and Togetherness
Latest Posts
(3) How to start learning about Buddhism? | Three Turnings of the Wheel of Dharma
The Three Turnings of the Wheel of Dharma could be regarded as a framework in Mahāyāna Buddhism for classifying in to stages and understanding the teachings of Buddha Śākyamuni. The first turning of the wheel of dharma refers to the earliest stage of the Buddha’s teachings, during which the Buddha taught the fundamental concepts, building blocks or…
Blockchain & technology
Innovate, Develop and Change

AI Intelligence, Start-ups and Futurism
Technology & Innovation
- Actuarial Science & Insurance
- Generative AI and Creation
- Nuclear Energy & Space Technology
- Blockchain Technology & Development
Protocols, Blockchains and Tokens
Blockchain Development & Application
- Protocols and Consensus
- Cryptology and Tokenomics
- Application and Projects
- Industry News and Regulations
Latest Posts
An short introduction to the new Remarkable Paper Pro | (6) How can students mark good use of a Remarkable table?
The ReMarkable writing tablet can be a fantastic tool for students, offering a blend of digital convenience and the tactile feel of writing on paper. Here are some ways students can make the most of it: 1. Note-Taking: The ReMarkable tablet is perfect for taking handwritten notes during lectures. You can organize your notes into…
Anything else…
Latest Posts
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